Is Tulsa Community College Free?
With the cost of college rising in present times, Tulsa Community College is a great option for students to go and get their education. If parents can’t afford college tuition fees, Tulsa Community College is the school to go to. After comparing college tuition fees around the Tulsa area, I was able to find Tulsa Community College’s tuition fees and information about their financial aid.
So, can your child go to Tulsa Community College for free? The answer is yes! Tulsa Community College offers free tuition to all students who are Tulsa residents. Every Tulsa Public School student can go to Tulsa Community College for free by filling out an application, which is on the Tulsa Public School’s district website.
Although Tulsa Community College is an excellent option for Tulsa residents, it does have some qualifications to be accepted into the Tulsa Achieves Program. Be sure to keep reading to find out what your student will need to obtain free college!
What Are the Steps to Get Into the Tulsa Achieves Program?
Tulsa Community College is a great school to go to for college. Although Tulsa Community College charges fewer tuition fees than other schools, it does require students to do things to get into the Tulsa Achieves Program and receive free college!
The first thing that Tulsa Public School students will need to do is fill out an application provided by Tulsa Public Schools on their website.
The second step requires students’ parents/guardians to sign off of the consent form, which allows Tulsa Community College’s counselors access to see your student’s grades and class schedule at Tulsa Public Schools.
Students also must maintain a 3.0 GPA or better throughout high school for them to be accepted into the. If they fail this requirement, Tulsa Community College’s counselors can help them get back on track.
For students to be entered into the program, they must attend TCC the Fall after high school graduation.
What if My Student Doesn’t Receive Free Tuition?
Students will first need to go onto Tulsa Community College’s website and fill out an application to receive free tuition! If they do not meet the qualifications for Tulsa Achieves, there are different options available.
Tulsa Community College offers different scholarships for their students who are not eligible for Tulsa Achieves but still want the opportunity of Tulsa Community College for free.
Scholarships are available to students who have good high school grades and a variety of different activities, such as sports or clubs. Tulsa Community College has a lot of different scholarship opportunities available for students!
What Is Tuition for Tulsa Community College?
Tuition for Tulsa Community College is $150 per credit hour with a student service fee of $15 each semester. For Tulsa Community College academic programs, tuition costs vary depending on the program and cost of living.
Tulsa Community College also offers an Academic Success Class (ASC) to help students juggle school with their lives outside of school. The ASC is a free class for Tulsa Community College students who have been placed on academic probation.
The Tulsa Community College tuition costs also vary depending on the course of study and any related fees. With many scholarship opportunities, students can find ways to pay for tuition without taking out student loans.
For example, there are Tulsa Community College scholarships offered through Tulsa Community Foundation which consider applicants’ financial situations. Tulsa Community Scholarships are also awarded based on merit, academics, activities, and more.
Lastly, Tulsa Community College offers several tuition payment plans for those who qualify.
Tulsa Community College Acceptance Rate
Tulsa Community College’s acceptance rate is 96 percent with many students attending due to its low tuition compared to other colleges in Oklahoma or even nationwide.
Tuition costs are about half the price of some other universities. They also have a Workforce Tulsa Tuition Waiver, which can be used by students who are employed.
How Many Hours of Community Service Is Required for Tulsa Achieves?
Tulsa Achieves community service is an important part of the Tulsa Achieves program. Tulsa Achieves offers opportunities to students to complete their community service hours at events like Tulsa Youth Expo and Tulsa Home Show.
The college requires 40 volunteer hours per academic year started in the program (Fall to Summer semester) and these don’t pro-rate by semesters. You must complete them with an organization by August 1st for both fall and spring terms if your goal is graduation before June 30th!
As part of Tulsa Achieves philosophy, Tulsa Achieves students are required to complete at least two community service projects per semester with Tulsa Achieves approved partners.
Tulsa Achieves students can complete the same project with Tulsa Achieve’s different partners to fulfill their community service hours requirement, but they cannot do the same project for more than one Tulsa Achieve partner during one semester.
It’s easy for students to get behind on their volunteer hours, so it’s important to stay on track and get them done so that you can graduate on time!
How Does Tulsa Community College Compare to Other Tulsa Schools?
College tuition fees are on the rise, but Tulsa Community College is an affordable option for students. When compared to other colleges in the area, Tulsa Community College has the lowest tuition fee.
However, Tulsa Community College’s financial aid does not compare to other Tulsa schools’. The school offers free tuition to Tulsa residents, but other Tulsa city colleges do not charge fees for students who are Tulsa locals.
For example, Oral Roberts University charges Tulsa residents $11,000 in college tuition fees each year, and Tulsa Technology Center fees are $4,900. Tulsa Community College might not charge Tulsa residents for tuition fees, but it is still important to know what other Tulsa college options are out there!
What Is Oklahoma’s Promise?
Oklahoma’s Promise is a scholarship created by former Governor Frank Keating for Oklahoma high school graduates who meet minimum expectations to attend a two-year, four-year institution of higher education in the state.
The scholarship covers tuition, fees, and textbooks for full-time enrollment (the equivalent of 12 credit hours or more per semester at an Oklahoma college).
The program is funded by state lottery proceeds that were established with the passage of State Question 713 in 2004, an amendment to the Oklahoma Constitution. Since its start in 2005, more than $252 million has been awarded to students.
Eligibility and Approval Process
To be eligible for Oklahoma’s Promise, a student must meet the following requirements:
- Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (according to current the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services guidelines)
- Graduate from an Oklahoma high school with at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average or its equivalent (GPA will be set by individual colleges & universities).
- Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Meet all criteria for admission to any two-year, four-year institution of higher education in Oklahoma.
- Household income must be below $60,000 a year to qualify.
High school students who are interested in receiving Oklahoma’s Promise must submit the FAFSA, along with a GPA Verification Form and an official copy of their high school transcript before June 30th of their senior year to be considered for the scholarship.
Students who meet initial eligibility requirements will receive notification from their college or university about how to apply for the scholarship.
Do You Have to Apply Every Year for Oklahoma’s Promise?
No. The scholarship is not renewable, but it does require application each year as a freshman. If a student does not meet the requirements for renewal, they can still receive assistance from their home institution. If your household income changes,
What Are Some Alternatives to Oklahoma’s Promise?
Because the scholarship is only offered to students who attend two-year or four-year institutions of higher education in Oklahoma, there are a few alternatives to help students pay for college.
One option is applying for grants through the Oklahoma Office of Student Aid, which are distributed by the state government.
The Importance of Education In Oklahoma
Did you know Oklahoma ranks close to the bottom in education? Oklahoma’s funding for education has been cut more than any other state in the past decade.
Oklahoma also ranks at the bottom of U.S states in teacher salaries and average class size, which shows how much we care about our teachers!
Our cities must be taking the steps to fund more education, and Tulsa Achieves is one program that is taking the right steps to ensure students are receiving the education they deserve, without it costing a fortune.
In Conclusion
Tulsa Community College is an excellent school choice for parents who want their Tulsa students to receive free college! Tulsa Community College does have a few qualifications for Tulsa public school students to receive free college.
For Tulsa Public School students to qualify for Tulsa Achieves, their parents/guardians must sign off of the consent form and maintain a 3.0 GPA during high school.